Shostack + Friends Blog Archive


Sweden: An Interesting Demographic Case Study In Internet Fraud

(quietly, wistfully singing “Yesterday” by the Beatles) From my favorite Swedish Infosec Blog, I don’t speak Swedish, so I couldn’t really read the fine article they linked to.  Do go read their blog post, I’ll wait here. Back?  Great.  Here are my thoughts on those numbers: SWEDISH FRAUD STATISTICS RELEASED The World Bank estimates […]


Evolution of Information Analysis

Real briefly, something that came to me reading Marcus Ranum over at Tenable’s Blog. Marcus writes: Usually, when I attack pseudo-science in computer security, someone replies, “Yes, but some data is better than none at all!”  Absolutely not true! Deceptive, inaccurate, and misleading data is worse than none at all, because it can encourage you […]


Microsoft Security Intelligence Report

The Microsoft SIR was released 4/8 and is available for download here.  Some of the interesting stuff they put in graphs is from the Open Security Foundation’s OSF Data Loss Database (  Among the interesting things in the Microsoft SIR: Good old theft and losing equipment, when combined, still beats the sexier categories hands down. […]



The WSJ has an article up today about how the Russians and Chinese are mapping the US electirical grid.  What I thought was more interesting was the graph they used (which is only mildly related to the article itself). If I’m reading this correctly, the DHS is claiming that there were just under 70,000 breaches […]