Shostack + Friends Blog Archive



I’ve left Verizon.  A lot of folks have come up to me and asked, so I thought I’d indulge in a rather self-important blog-post and explain something:

It wasn’t about Verizon, but about the opportunity I’ve taken.

Wade, Chris, Hylender, Marc, Joe, Dave, Dr. Tippett & all the rest – they were all really, really great to me.  I love the RISK team.  Loved my job.  But the opportunity came up to do something, well, awesome.  So I left a great group and joined a financial institution as Director of Operational Risk.  If you ever get offered a chance to work for Wade at Verizon Terremark, I HIGHLY recommend it.

I’m looking forward to the change, and I’m looking forward to re-aligning my priorities.  Now that BlackHat & Defcon are over, now that Metricon is behind me, I’ve already started to scale back on SIRA management, reduced my role in the CSDM, and am in a refocusing phase.  I’ve missed blogging, and as I charge forward in “the real world” hope to share some scars and successes with you in this medium (data-driven, of course).




3 comments on "Change."

  • janet says:

    Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life… enjoy your new opportunity and I know the financial institution will treat you awesome (I just hired in there too a couple months ago). I wish you the best!

  • Saso Virag says:

    Welcome to the wonderful world of OpRisk. Just remember OpRisk Management is spelt “Basel II” and not “Basle II”. 😉

    Knowing you’re a fan of metrics, here’s a little (sadly a bit dated now) research paper from ABI ORIC on OpRisk in insurance industry (we spell ORM as “Solvency II”).

  • LonerVamp says:

    Grats and I hope all goes well for you!

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