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Breach irony

According to Courtney Manzel, Counsel – Office of Privacy, Sprint Nextel Corporation, reporting a breach pursuant to NY’s notification law:

A laptop computer was stolen from the human resources department of Velocita
Wireless during a rash of office burglaries in the Woodbridqe, New Jersey area.
The laptop computer was one of many items stolen. It contained password-
protected files that included information (i.e.. name, date of birth, social security
number, salary and whether employee was enrolled in company health plan) about
aoproximatelv 255 former and current Velocita Wireless employees.

And from the notice sent to affected individuals:

6 comments on "Breach irony"

  • Dissent says:

    Paragraph 2 on Page 3 of the file you uploaded appears to provide the information about name, DOB, SSN, etc. to those affected in a breach notification letter dated December 13th.
    Since it looks like they did notify, what am I missing/misunderstanding about your post?

  • Chris says:

    The law they did this pursuant to is intended to protect NY residents. NY residents are specifically excluded from one of the protections being offered in the letter.

  • Dissent says:

    Aha! I just found the real source of my confusion. FF blocked showing the image file that’s part of your original post so I just saw a blank space after “And from the notice sent to affected individuals:”
    Sorry, Chris. 🙂

  • Adam says:

    I resent the fact that you don’t wuv us enough to let all our images through. We’re ad free here at EC, and we plan to spring one over on all our users one april first by going totally pop-up, flash-filled and making ourselves your home page. Don’t spoil the surprise by blockin’ our ads!
    and Chris, what’s with the other server thing? It’s slow, and you clue in the innocent before we have a chance to monetize their eyeballs. Ixnay on the inwarnays.

  • Dissent says:

    EC was/is on my allow list, so you can go ahead and fry my eyeballs to your heart’s content, fella.
    That damned Chris uploaded the image to a site that wasn’t in my allow list, though. It’s clearly him I don’t love enough.
    Other server now added…. grumble, mutter… *smooch*

  • Adam says:

    I love it when you grumble and then smooch. 🙂

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