“Adam Shostack’s New Thing”
Mailing List

I'm setting up a mailing list for those who'd like to be notified when I create something new. It's cleverly named "Adam Shostack's New Thing." It'll be the first place to hear about the new things I'm creating — books, games or anything else.

Subscribers get roughly one message each quarter, and I promise to send fewer than 13 messages a year to this list, each about something I've created, or something awesome that a friend has created.

Why would you sign up for this versus following my Adam & Friends blog? (I've largely moved away from Twitter.)

This list is intended for be my least-frequent, most important content. Sign up so that you don't miss what I've been building!

(This list will be managed by Mailchimp on my behalf. I think they hate spammers almost as much as me. If I break the "less than 13 messages a year" promise, I'll give $1,000 to a charity (EFF, ACLU or the Tor Project) per message over 12.)

* required information
Email Format

A sample of what you'll receive is below:

Threat Modeling: Designing for Security!

Is Adam Shostack's newest creation

And I'm very excited to let you be the first to know.  I've been working on this book for the last several years, to provide developers, systems managers and security people with practical lessons on how to find security issues early.

Threat Modeling: Designing for Security will be officially available on February 17th, but you can use the preview feature on Amazon or Google Books to take a look at the first pages now, or see the table of contents at https://threatmodelingbook.com/toc.html  

Some first reviews:  "Incredibly Good" — Ben Rothke;   "Awesome" — Michael Howard

If you'd like to help out by spreading the word, I'd be most grateful. Of course, I'd also be happy if you go get a copy from your favorite bookseller. The book's website is https://threatmodelingbook.com.

- Adam

This is volume 1, issue 1 of Adam Shostack's New Thing email list.  You'll get fewer than 13 of these in 2014.